La pérdida de actividad o lucro cesante por el Coronavirus (Covid-19)
Estos días hemos tenido muchas consultas sobre si aquellos profesionales liberales o empresas que tienen contratados seguros con la garantía de interrupción de actividad, lucro cesante o pérdida de beneficios, tienen derecho a percibir una indemnización debido a la situación actual y al estado de alarma declarado por el gobierno como consecuencia de la pandemia del Coronavirus (COVID-19). Vamos a intentar esclarecer el tema.
El lucro cesante: ¿cuándo se produce?
En otro post ya tratamos qué es el lucro cesante.
El lucro cesante o pérdida de beneficios es siempre resultado de una interrupción de la actividad debido a una contingencia determinada. Sería el caso de un incendio, inundación, explosión, accidente de tráfico, etcétera. En unos casos el culpable del accidente deberá costear el lucro cesante y, si el «culpable» eres tú, lo deberá costear el seguro que tengas contratado, si es que tienes la cobertura contratada.
No entran dentro de la condición del lucro cesante el que la empresa deje de vender por causa de que sus productos o servicios ya no interesan al mercado por las circunstancias que sean, como sería, su obsolescencia, modas, cambios de hábito del consumidor, mejores precios de la competencia, productos sustitutivos, etcétera.
Requisitos del lucro cesante
Para que se pueda conceder una indemnización por lucro cesante deben darse dos requisitos:
- Que realmente exista y pueda ser probado junto con su relación directa con el daño causado.
- Que se pueda determinar o calcular efectivamente la cuantía económica dejada de percibir.
Taxistas, fábricas de ropa o de vehículos o de tornillos o de lo que sea. Hoteles, industria del entretenimiento, restaurantes y un larguísimo etcétera de actividades. Es obvio que en la mayoría de casos de empresas y autónomos será muy fácil acreditar el cumplimiento de los requisitos tanto de existencia de la pérdida económica como de su cuantificación y relación directa con el daño (la pandemia). Ahora bien, ¿tiene cobertura?
La regulación del seguro de lucro cesante
Desde el artículo 63 hasta 67 de la Ley 50/1980 de Contrato de Seguro se establece lo siguiente respecto a los seguros de lucro cesante:
Artículo 63. De qué trata y a qué obliga el seguro de Lucro Cesante.
Artículo 64. Deber del asegurado a informar a todas las aseguradoras de la existencia de los seguros.
Artículo 65. Conceptos obligados, salvo pacto expreso, que el asegurador debe indemnizar al asegurado por lucro cesante.
Artículo 66. Qué partes del lucro cesante pude asegurar el asegurado y en qué escenarios.
Artículo 67. De existir solo un seguro de lucro cesante no vinculado a escenarios concretos, la indemnización resultará siempre del cálculo resultante objetivamente acreditado.
¿La pandemia del Covid-19 es un siniestro?
El diccionario de la Real Academia Española, entre otros significados, define siniestro como un suceso que produce un daño o una pérdida material considerables. También lo define, para el contrato de seguro, la concreción del riesgo cubierto en dicho contrato y que determina el nacimiento de la prestación del asegurador.
Obviamente la pandemia del Coronavirus (COVID-19) es un auténtico siniestro, como si se tratara de las consecuencias de la radiación de una catástrofe nuclear. Otra cosa es que el «riesgo» de pandemia como causa de siniestro que origine el derecho a cobrar por la garantía de pérdida de actividad o lucro cesante quede amparada en el contrato.
Los contratos de seguro con garantía de lucro cesante
Para las pequeñas y medianas empresas los seguros de lucro cesante habitualmente forman parte de un «seguro paquete» que engloba incendio, robo, responsabilidad civil, lucro cesante, etcétera. En las grandes corporaciones el seguro de lucro cesante es un contrato exclusivo a parte del seguro de daños o de incendio o de otras garantías.
Generalmente en los contratos de «seguro paquete» la garantía de lucro cesante (cláusula delimitativa) va condicionada a que se produzca un siniestro de daños cubierto por el mismo contrato (cláusula limitativa de derechos del asegurado). De este modo el lucro cesante queda cubierto siempre y cuando sea consecuencia de un incendio, que obviamente es un riesgo básico de daños cubierto por el seguro, pero como el riesgo de «pandemia» no es un riesgo incluido, el lucro cesante tampoco queda cubierto.
¿Cómo valorarias a tu aseguradora?Comparte tu opinión con otros usuarios en RankiSeguros. |
Cláusulas delimitativas y limitativas de derechos
Siguiendo lo que decimos en el apartado anterior y si consultas el post sobre las cláusulas verás que, dado el caso que no hayas aceptado específicamente por escrito las cláusulas que limitan los derechos del asegurado (artículo 3 LCS), podrás reclamar la cláusula delimitativa del riesgo de lucro cesante de acuerdo a la sección quinta de la LCS y por tanto tendrás derecho a la indemnización hasta el límite de la suma asegurada sin que se vea condicionada a otra garantía. En caso contrario deberás plantearte lo que sigue en el próximo apartado.
Cláusulas abusivas
Los artículos del 82 al 91 de la Ley General para la Defensa de Consumidores y Usuarios (RDL 1/2007) establecen lo que hace referencia a las cláusulas abusivas en los contratos, y de considerarse alguna como tal, son consideradas nulas. Y evidentemente esto también afecta a los contratos de seguro, más aun cuando se trata de contratos de adhesión. Obviamente deberá estudiarse detenidamente si, aunque se hayan aceptado por escrito las circunstancias contractuales que limitan los derechos del asegurado para que tengas derecho de percibir la indemnización por garantía de lucro cesante, ésas sean consideradas como abusivas por el Juez bajo su criterio e interpretación del Derecho. Por tanto, en este escenario del Coronavirus (COVID-19) deberías percibir la indemnización por lucro cesante aunque hubieras aceptado esa cláusula que lo excluye si es considerada abusiva.
¿Y los plazos? La responsabilidad civil del asegurador frente al asegurado
Ten en cuenta que desde que declaras el siniestro a la aseguradora hasta que ésta te lo pague todo hay un plazo máximo de 40 días naturales. Y si en ese plazo el seguro no te indemniza, deberá justificar el porqué no te indemnizó todo en ese plazo y qué circunstancias o información les faltaban por conocer para que no liquidaran la totalidad que debías percibir. No vale pagar lo que les dé la gana. Los pagos deben estar acreditados del mismo modo que tú deberás acreditar tu reclamación.
Y si resulta que el seguro no te pagó el lucro cesante en los 40 días teniendo la obligación de haberlo hecho y debes cerrar el negocio, podrás reclamar al asegurador la pérdida de tu fondo de comercio por no haberte pagado a tiempo. Porque en las empresas, autónomos y particulares no solo va de cobrar la indemnización, sino también de cobrarla a tiempo. Porque percibir la indemnización de aquí a 3 años, por muchos intereses que te paguen, no resuelve nada. La cuestión es recibir la indemnización a tiempo. Y obviamente la pérdida del fondo de comercio, que a efectos prácticos es el valor de la empresa a precio de mercado excluyendo los fondos propios que de perderlos en el siniestro también deberían computarse, lo deberá asumir esa aseguradora por responsabilidad civil por no haberte pagado a tiempo. Y esta segunda indemnización no irá vinculada a ningún contrato sino a una responsabilidad del propio asegurador frente al propietario de la empresa «fallecida» o «tocada de muerte».
¿Qué perderás?
Cada uno debe calibrar su estrategia y estudiar detenidamente su caso, y para muchas empresas que van a «morir» ¿qué les cuesta intentarlo? Si igualmente la empresa muere da lo mismo morir por 100 que por 200. Morirá intentándolo. Pero si ganas, al menos salvarás tu negocio y aquellas familias que dependían de él. En tu mano está intentarlo.
Nota final
Ya sabes que en ClaimCenter somos expertos en temas de seguros en lo referente a temas post-venta, tramitación de siniestros y accidentes de todo tipo. Puedes solicitar tranquilamente a tu aseguradora que seamos nosotros quienes peritemos o gestionemos tu caso. Si tu aseguradora no acepta que seamos nosotros quienes nos ocupemos de tu caso por alguna extraña razón, siempre puedes contratarnos para que te nos estudiemos tu caso, te asesoremos y, dado el caso que tengas razón, reclamemos al seguro.
Bruce Forsyth offered a special version of Strictly Come Dancing referred to as Strictly Faucet Dancing.
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We’ll have a look and will even characteristic your video or image within the on-site banter web page.
Human Rights Watch wrote to Ban Ki-Moon on 27 April requesting that the names of Israel and Hamas remain on the record, in the context of reviews that Israel had been lobbying to have its identify removed.
Now, I needed to resolve how a lot money I was going to set aside from every paycheck in the direction of this enterprise.
Janice J. Terry, James P. Holoka, Jim Holoka, George H. Cassar, Richard D. Goff (2011).
There are also extra common names resembling Sindre (vegetation) and Brock (the mineral world).
No growth challenge has been officially scheduled for line 10 by the year 2030 in the schéma directeur de la région île-de-France (SDRIF).
The principle of a circular line, conceived at the start of the 1900s, led to the creation of a line known as Ceinture intérieure des Invalids aux Invalides («interior belt from Invalides to Invalides»).
Sciullo Jr., Sam (2008).
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Stanley Ernest Card. For companies to the community, particularly in the sector of industrial relations.
Writers wish to be cozy, slippers, sweaters, tea.
Dwyer, Orla (30 April 2021).
These playing cards will include one of 4 colors and a quantity, an motion card (Draw Two, Skip, or Reverse), or shall be a wildcard.
Some embroidery and beadwork can add as much as the gown’s beauty.
Ali Faik, Sergeant, Cyprus Police Force.
Peter John Deviell, These days Senior Government Officer, Division of Employment.
Philip Rodney Bridges, QC, Lawyer Normal.
You might have to put your baby in a playpen or highchair through the canine’s mealtime.
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In late July, elements of northern Passaic started stirring in regards to the Erie Railroad’s proposed relocation the downtown Erie station to close to Principal Avenue and Harrison Street as part of the depression mission.
They are going to be intact of their place and also you can even go to sleep wearing them.
女性 用 ラブドールThis will require continued international cooperation and support,as well as efforts to address the root causes of deforestation,
John Wilson, Public Lighting Engineer, Burgh of Paisley.
Although this is way simpler for the residents, there may be extra sorting required, and the paper quality is generally of a low grade attributable to food waste or liquid contamination or shards of glass within the paper, and so this scheme has been criticised.
Mark Akaluka, Sergeant-Main, Nigeria Police Pressure.
Frederick George Belsham, Printing Technical Officer, HM Stationery Office.
The last full flooring, the 34th floor, has three pairs of windows on all sides, protruding from the roof as dormers.
The 130 ft (forty m)-lengthy west front (proven at the highest of the web page) was built in the late Tudor period.
The highest card of the deck is flipped over so it is face up.
The rollout of the Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 vaccine in private and voluntary nursing properties began nationwide, with 22 nursing homes of 3,000 residents and workers to be vaccinated.
To add symbols: – Sort a symbol or company name.
Sports Section. Violet Eiffel Goodwin, Member, Dewsbury Local Employment Committee.
That yr, the Passaic station, which was simply an previous freight automotive, was moved from its location at Prospect Street to the Street to the point, which ran along modern day Park Place.
Freiburger Verkehrs AG: Cell Stadt – Die Geschichte der Straßenbahn in Freiburg.
There was concern about the type of groups receiving funding from Children in Need.
Nonetheless, even in these religions angel-like spiritual beings may help people relate to the divine.
Research have shown that shade, in each aspect of our lives, affects us emotionally and bodily.
Such discrimination has imposed vital economic prices, studying disruption, and denial of financial opportunities for individuals of coloration.
To put it plainly, Werewords is 20 Questions with a traitor.
Our throw blankets are available in three impartial colours to fit into your unique decor.
In this fashion, shoppers in Waldorf can select the situation and type of unit of their alternative in the required dimensions, at an reasonably priced worth.
In 2008, Global Fund for Youngsters was chosen as a winner of the John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Basis’s Digital Media and Studying Competition.
We bind principalities, powers, rulers of darkness of this world and spiritual wickedness in excessive places.
Hussain is a Contributing Editor to UK’s largest meals media brand, BBC’s Good Meals.
Man Wilmot McLintock Henderson, QC, Chief Justice, Bahamas.
The advantage is that the animals are inclined to shield one another sufficient that extra will survive underneath crowded situations than beneath regular housing.
It calms your thoughts and in addition protects from the evil eye.
In 1907, Vacation went to Egypt, painting a sequence of watercolours and illustrations on historical Egyptian themes.
In 1930 Woore began working for his close friend Arnold Robinson, who took over the stained glass firm of Joseph Bell and Sons in Bristol.
21 March 1979 – Leslie Allman, 76, made his 15 Soccer League appearances as a goalkeeper for Norwich Metropolis within the late 1920s, spending the remainder of his career at non-league degree.
In the course of the 2020-21 college yr, the Ohio Department of Schooling listed Bishop Sycamore as a «non-chartered, non-tax supported school»; the college was not listed at all for the 2021-22 year.
This routinely qualified India for the 2011 Asian Cup, the first time they’d certified for the tournament in 24 years.
Certain kitchen color teams — for instance, black, pink, and white — are harking back to the cozy intimacy of roadside diners.
Daniel’s cousins. Dylan desires to be a rapper, and is Duke’s fan; David, a school student, is the star of the Park family, being enrolled into a prestigious university; Sarah, Dylan’s sister, has a crush on handsome Daniel.
This grid uses 200 cells, so you’ll have many opportunities to cross out, scratch out, or joyfully coloration within the amounts as you reach every aim.
The plan would succeed in the course of the one-yr hole until it was uncovered that Ji Gang’s wife used his loss of life to commit insurance fraud framing Tian’s Father for murder throughout their match thus exonerating Tian’s Father and permitting him to move on along with his life.
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If whites and creams depart you cold, select a more contemporary colour like pale rust, straw, or smoke.
Are you in search of a showpiece or a workhorse?
The home of Alexander McQueen recently confirmed off its latest providing on the earth of extremely-luxury “sneakers” with their Punch-Hole high-tops.
While there, she also created and exhibited her works, including an exhibition in 1925 at White City Truthful, «to worldwide acclaim».
Add chlorine to kill bacteria simply previous to swimming.
Seol looks like her life has taken a turn for the worse since Jung came into her life.
All artwork shown here is courtesy of Duran Jay and posted with her permission.
And to take it one step further, you don’t drive a $70 million automobile to work every single day.
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There have been a number of advantages to this: the political consequences if one other Vichy French colony modified sides, and likewise extra sensible benefits, such as the presence of the gold reserves of the Banque de France and the Polish government in exile in Dakar.
The first step in making the window was the design, a colored drawing about one-tenth of full measurement, made for the approval of the grasp builder and the patron of the home windows.
Three days later, he began towards Wigan Athletic within the Premier League at White Hart Lane but was criticised for conceding the Latics’ profitable purpose scored by Hugo Rodallega.
He scored twice towards Salgaocar before the third came towards Sporting Goa, as JCT completed the season that 12 months in sixth place.
2. Hammer Grammar At some degree, you merely should bash grammar into your head, particularly since there are sides of French grammar that don’t have any or very limited counterparts in English (akin to many makes use of of the subjunctive, partitives, and the better precision of time in French by such tenses as the longer term anterior).
I got here out of my abusive childhood with no worse diagnoses than Post Traumatic Stress Disorder and Physique Dysmorphic Disorder, along with just a few Obsessive Compulsive Disorder associated reflexes, and consider myself fortunate.
Every gives its own distinctive experience, and both can coexist in harmony.
In case you wish to know extra about the French rules, you’ll find more data here.
With Molde thus qualifying for Europa League Group A, Horvath joined Brad Friedel, Kasey Keller, Tim Howard, and Brad Guzan as the only American goalkeepers ever to play in the UEFA Europa League/UEFA Cup group stage.
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One thing that many people have started to look ahead to is the colonization of the purple planet, although it’s not set in stone when we would make it there.
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Deforestation in the Amazon region remains a significant challenge,and the COVID-19 pandemic has had a major impact on efforts to address the issue.女性 用 ラブドール
女性 用 ラブドールThe tree houses are built with locally-sourced and sustainable materials such as bamboo,and the community follows environmentally friendly practices such as composting and recycling.
In any case, the romantic spark between them is as actual as it might get.
Semi-opacity resulting from crystallization could also be induced in lots of glasses by maintaining them for a protracted period at a temperature simply inadequate to cause fusion.
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The bypass setup also permits you to adjust the water flow rate passing although our heat pump.
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There was a valid purpose behind the speedy temper adjustments I used to be experiencing.
Yi Shaode Cheng Dafu Cheng Yanan’s father.
A single vital incident or theme occupying a window of a number of lights in order that the pictorial content material spans the divisions in the window.
Joshi, Tara (April 7, 2019).
These two baths testify to the significance of architecture as the structural framework for modern type.
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2016: Evening Orchids, Pace London.
By far the largest vendor right here is Mandarake, with specialised places spread throughout the ability.
After serving a one match suspension, he returned as a beginning keeper within the semi-finals of the J. League Cup against Urawa Crimson Diamonds, however Nagoya Grampus were out of the tournament following a 4-1 loss.
Top the butter with candy or savory accompaniments (or each), similar to honey, lemon zest, figs, tomatoes, recent basil, chile flakes, thinly sliced radishes, edible flowers – and a generous sprinkle of sea salt and contemporary cracked pepper.
There are seven speeds, from 1,000 to 1,850 rpm.
Preventing continued in the east till Normal Prételat, commanding the French Second Military group, was pressured by the armistice to surrender on June 22.
So, are you a mechanical maestro or an electric ensemble?
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They trained in French Algeria, then in British India after the British Chindits, to combat the Japanese forces in occupied French Indochina.
When choosing an electric typewriter, there are important factors to keep in mind to make an knowledgeable determination.
The cathedral also has an early Tree of Jessé window, illustrating the genealogy of Christ within the form of a family tree imagined in a dream by the prophet Jesse.
Replace: It appears like this Akihabara branch of Robotic Robotic is gone.
What occurs once you isekai a gaming fanatic and a civil service student into one other world?
Do not sit down while attendees are within the exhibit hall.
Following the seize of the Belfort Gap, French operations in the world of Burnhaupt destroyed the German IV Luftwaffe Korps.
We promote water circulate meters that will present you the movement price via your pipes.
You probably have a portable, pop-up or modular panel system sales space, you’re in all probability fantastic.
Eberhard, Robert (September 2011).
The impeller system then pumps the water out of the pump at pace, circulating the water around the pool.
Beads and jewelry are nonetheless amongst the commonest uses of glass in artwork and may be worked with no furnace.
The east and west windows of York are excellent examples because in each case they’re huge, intact, at their authentic location and by a recognized craftsman.
Davis it appears had known Michael.
India qualified for the 2023 AFC Asian Cup with Chettri turning into the highest scorer in the third round of the qualifiers with 4 objectives.
Despite dismissal, Valdés returned to the touchline in Might 2020, when he was appointed the supervisor of UA Horta.
Feet section to the physique part.
Whether it’s customized-designed cushions, anime-inspired wall artwork, or hand-painted figurines, these unique objects will inject a private and heartfelt touch into your room, making it a real reflection of your anime passion.
Proper up there with paisley shirts and sluggish cookers, fondue burst onto the scene within the 1970s.
Toy Trivia: What American Toy was Banned in Japan within the late 1950’s?
A notable motion, the Battle off Ist, befell on the Adriatic sea on 29 February 1944, when a German naval force of two corvettes and two torpedo boats escorting a freighter, supported by three minesweepers, was intercepted by the Free French Navy working underneath British command because the twenty fourth Destroyer flotilla.
Ming Tian is a youth dwelling along with his youthful brother and sister, as his mother has left and his father has died.
Represented in various windows in the chancel and nave, and relationship from a number of years between 1980 and 1991, are Mary in various depictions (the Immaculate Mary, the Blessed Virgin and her Assumption into Heaven, and as Our Lady of Gillingham), Saint Raphael, Saint Gabriel, Saint Michael, Saint Alban, Saint Margaret Clitherow, Saint John Fisher, Saint Thomas of Canterbury and Saint Thomas More.
It is sort of like a flower opening — the roof unhinges, the windshield slides back and the seats within the automobile really rise up.
Every sort operates at different speeds.
Suppose concerning the Chick-fil-A billboard with the cows painting the «Eat Extra Chick’n» signal.
At a young age she was forced to put on boys clothes by her parents when she was being groomed to take over her Grandfather’s company.
Star Wars licensee producing statuettes, chopsticks, and enterprise card holders.
The Regulations coping with unreasonable noise from residential premises apply to the restore or upkeep of an current residence.
Trapp went on to earn a complete of 4 clean sheets, as PSG superior to the UEFA Champions League Group Stage.
Whether a well being care specialist operates on the front traces depends largely upon his or her MOS, and although treating wounded troopers while dodging enemy fire actually pushes medics to their limits, the navy’s medical personnel works tirelessly to save lots of the lives of our women and men in uniform.
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Obviously, a company will not be a date.
You could invite mates and family over for a yard barbecue or pack a picnic lunch and head to an area park.
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Create an illusion: You may smartly create the illusion of the open area, by using back-painted toughen glass with aluminum define frame.
In March, the 2 really reunited on-display when Seon Ho made a particular look in Ga Younger’s drama Find Me In Your Memory.
Could disrupt floor oxides.
Machetes are massive, cleaver-like knives with an extended blade.
In the beginning, we buy the walking footwear we want to test using our own funds.
Hal Quinn, president and CEO of the Nationwide Mining Affiliation states that banning mining in the Grand Canyon only deprives the United States of power and minerals which might be important to the survival and power of the US financial system.
Thus the resulting crisis of the capital-labour relation, which is to say, a combined disaster of over-production and below-consumption, signalled by a world fall in the rate of revenue and issuing in a multiplication of types of unemployment and precarious employment.
The Contemporary Beats want their concert at the Festival to be their finest show ever.
Although no guidelines govern how much mild a particular room warrants, plenty of tips exist.
These additions can transform your residing room into a fashionable and linked area.
Copper may be added to decrease gold proportion, chromium to compensate for lack of corrosion resistance, and boron for bettering wetting impaired by the chromium.
College of Chicago Press.
How to maintain and improve restoration capital by way of social relationships may look different depending on length of time in recovery.
Parts have been good for one – ample for 4 to snack.
Copper tubing is on the market in two primary kinds of tube-plumbing tube and air conditioning/refrigeration (ACR) tube, and in both drawn (exhausting) and annealed (gentle) tempers.
Materials used in PEX pipes in North America are defined by cell classifications which can be described in ASTM requirements, the most typical being ASTM F876.
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Consider various leaf sizes for more design curiosity.
Even better, sunrooms are very attractive to homebuyers, particularly those in colder climates; within the United States, sunrooms are hottest within the Northeast and Midwest.
Equally, Karen of The Artwork of Doing Stuff made a contemporary tabletop hearth pit.
Strange that all the rings we have found on this beach to this point seem newer, however now I am starting to search out the previous stuff.
A joint memorial service for Graham and spouse Jean is scheduled for March 14, 2020 at 1:00 PM at the primary Congregational Church, 23 Pepperrell Road, Kittery Point, Maine 03905, with a reception to observe within the parsonage.
Blue pottery is among the oldest and most recognised souvenirs from Rajasthan.
For brazing copper, brass, low-nickel alloys, medium and excessive carbon steels.
Inspection Information. Retrieved 2011-07-09.
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Start with a bang in Buenos Aires, with a strolling tour and tango class to take advantage of your restricted time within the capital.
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However, it is not strictly a materialist perception, because it presupposes that magical (or religious) exercise is possible and may be performed upon someone as long as they consent to imagine in it.
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It defines sword swallowing as a magic trick and claims that most performers prepare for the event by swallowing guiding tubes about 17 to 19 inches (45 to 50 centimeters) lengthy and about an inch (25 millimeters) vast.
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(This can apparently also be achieved through tantric sex, but between Westworld and the new season ofGirls, we haven’t had time to try that at home.)
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I breezily accepted. Sex parties aren’t exactly a new concept, but KK has a certain mystique because it’s a known brand that prides itself on exclusivity. I wanted to see it from the inside.
Squirting, while totally real for some women, is also the stuff of male fantasy (just look at RedTube). If you’re not able to squirt, it’s like you’re letting your partner down.
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James—in a foreign country, no less—so we’re currently enduring the weird transition of going from lovers to full-time roommates.
And if you do a quick Google of the terms «spanking therapy» or «BDSM therapy,» you’ll see that people are using spanking as more than just a way to get off.
I ‘d be lying if I said I didn’t love a good spanking. I’m sure you’ve quickly surmised this thorny little detail, but I do mean spanking in a sexual way.
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and it’s part of Emma’s vision for creating an environment that’s oriented around female pleasure and empowerment.
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She adds that practitioners of spanking describe it as an opportunity to enter into a consensual, time-bound interaction with someone they trust and feel close to
the endless «cleaning out» (enema after enema after enema, both pre-shoot and during), and the hair removal (waxing is recommended, as there is nothing worse than a razor cut on your bum).
Both partners deserve to fully immerse themselves in the act of sex, after all, and explore what truly makes the experience amazing for each person.
I am a sexual pioneer and have never squirted before so curiosity naturally got the best of me. Below, I embarked on a sexual journey to find my Skene’s glands so I could teach myself to squirt. That’s right, y’all.
There are no children anywhere. Stress is kept to a minimum. Dinner is served early (last seating at 8 p.m.), breakfast late (first seating at 8:30 a.m.).
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By the look of it, the four of us are the only people in the room not having sex, and it’s funny how quickly we become desensitized to it all.
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Obviamente estará cubierto dependiendo de lo que haya contratado y de las circunstancias de contratación. Esto debe estudiarse.
Cuando fallece la persona con ocasión del COVID 19 y el mismo era conductor de taxi, pero la póliza para ellos solo esta la cobertura de accidentes de transito.
No acabamos de entender muy bien su pregunta. No sabemos si su cuestión se refiere a que si la garantía de fallecimiento del conductor de un taxi que hay en el seguro del automóvil cubre la indemnización al beneficiario en caso de fallecimiento del taxista por causa del COVID19.
Si esa es su cuestión le diremos que debe estudiarse detenidamente su caso. En principio la cobertura se limita a fallecimiento por accidente de tráfico pero hay que estudiar el contrato de seguros para ver si esa cobertura puede ser extensible a otras causas de fallecimiento.
Ponemos un ejemplo: La causa de fallecimiento del COVID19 es una causa extraordinaria (una pandemia), y como tal, el Consorcio de Compensación de Seguros (CCS) cubre el fallecimiento de aquellas personas que tengan suscrito un seguro de vida con esa garantía cuya causa sea un fenómeno extraordinario. Como ya sabe, existen corrientes como la nuestra que entendemos que el CCS debe hacerse cargo de esas indemnizaciones.
¿se podrian cobrar las clausulas de perdida de beneficios por covid 19 o no?
Primero hay que estudiar el caso. Piense que se trata de un tema de ELEVADA DIFICULTAD, no existen precedentes y hay probabilidades que se DESESTIME la reclamación por Consorcio de Compensación de Seguros y, posteriormente, por la Autoridad Judicial, Nosotros creemos que existen posibilidades, por lo que antes de realizar cualquier acción extrajudicial y/o judicial exponemos por escrito nuestra estrategia al cliente para que sepa los riesgos que existen.
La conclusión más acertada podría desprenderse del estudio global de la jurisprudencia del Tribunal Supremo, y es que, en realidad, las cláusulas, incluso las de definición del objeto del seguro y las de delimitación de riesgo, se equiparan siempre a las cláusulas limitadoras en cuanto a sus requisitos de aplicabilidad al asegurado siempre que recorten, por cualquier motivo incluido su delimitación legal, las expectativas razonables de cobertura del asegurado de acuerdo con la modalidad de seguro contratada, o como dice la Sentencia del Tribunal Supremo de 18 de mayo de 2009 (RJ 2009/2924), lo decisivo es que el asegurado vea limitados o restringidos los derechos en relación, por ejemplo, a los que le han sido atribuidos a la parte de la póliza que negoció. Es decir, las coberturas y capitales del condicionado particular.
Muchísimas gracias por su aportación. Es muy interesante y a tener en cuenta.
Me parece un disparate lo que se expone, no es una clasula de EXCLUSION, es algo que no está incluido y por lo tanto el tratamiento no debe ser como una clausula limitativa. Saludos.
Un contrato de seguro es un contrato privado entre dos partes donde pueden pactar casi lo que les dé la gana. De hecho el artículo 44 de la LCS, si el asegurador «ordinario» quisiera, podrían cubrir los riesgos extraordinarios y hasta los derivados de los conflictos armados haya o no declaración de guerra. Si se fija en la última frase del primer párrafo se establece «salvo pacto en contrario».
De hecho hay algunos aseguradores que cubren la pérdida emergente de una actividad mercantil por causas de fuerza mayor no condicionadas a las garantías contratadas.
En nuestra vida profesional, dentro del sector asegurador, hemos visto y vivido en primera persona miles de «disparates» de cosas auténticamente inverosímiles donde podríamos rellenar una enciclopedia, por lo que hemos aprendido de que las cosas pueden verse e interpretarse de multitud de formas y todo es cuestión de interpretación.
Gracias por su comentario.
Me gustado mucho vuestra exposición al respecto
Comulgo con vosotros al 100%
Muchas gracias por su comentario, Mikel 🙂